Sonic Riders DX v2.1
Patch Notes

May 5th, 2023


DX Lead Developer

DX Lead Programmer

DX Gameplay Lead

Sonic Riders DX Version 2.1 Patch Notes

Render by firegodjr.

Sonic Riders DX Version 2.1 is our final update to Sonic Riders DX for the time being as we've decided to wind down development. For those who haven't seen our announcement, check here for information.

This makes DX 2.1 a very unique update, being dedicated to including everything we've worked on so far, finished or not. There aren't any new characters or features. Most of these changes are to gameplay, polishing off what we had in DX 2.0 and including the all of the super forms we had in the works.

In addition, the download for Version 2.1 comes along with Bonus Content showing off any in-progress character designs, promotion material, the results of our Character poll, and other works-in-progress we had.

With the development of Version 3.0, Sonic Riders DX is back!

Looking for the patch? Head on over to Downloads:


When deciding to close out the project, one of our concerns was whether we'd include any New Characters and Super Forms. As the members of our modeling team are busy with other parts of their lives, we are unable to release any New Characters. New Super Forms will simply use the character's base model. While we apologize for this lack of polish, we hope that players will still be able to enjoy the unfinished, beta Super Forms we have included and their unique gameplay.

Astral Forms

Astral Jet, Storm, and Wave

One of the first things planned for DX Version 2.1, as they were originally planned for DX Version 2.0, were super transformations for the Babylon Rogues. These were conceptualized as a way to add more unique gameplay styles into the game like Super Knuckles and Super Shadow had done, while also making sure the antagonist trio weren't overshadowed by all of Team Sonic having super forms. We ultimately settled for the art direction to be based on Biko97's Astral Jet design [-1-] [-2-] as the Babylonians come from space. Thus we decided we would have to create our own "Astral Storm" and "Astral Wave", taking inspiration from phenomenon in outer space. While Astral Jet's gameplay isn't derived from his design concept, Astral Storm was designed to be a supernova and Astral Wave was designed around black holes. In contrast to the Super Forms of Team Sonic that have multi-type, the Astral Forms of Team Babylon increase the strength of their existing types. For more information on each of these individually, check the "Extreme Gear" section of the patch notes.

With SRDX Version 2.1 being the final update for the foreseeable future, these designs never had the chance to enter the modeling and texturing phase of production. As such, they'll appear as their regular selves with a golden aura. Their gameplay, however, was nearly finalized back during the development of DX 2.0. We've decided to include them so that players will have the chance to try out their unique gameplay.

Astral Jet artwork by Biko97.

Astral E-10000G and Astral E-10000R

With the addition of new super forms in DX Version 2.0, players wanted to see a Super Form that does not have a type from a gameplay standpoint, a super form of E-10000G. With that demand, we designed a super form of E-10000G gameplay first. Since E-10000G specs into all stats and favors more cruising and drift oriented gears, the gameplay of their super form was built to be similar to Super Sonic, primarily cruising and drifting to keep up and only boost at cruicial moments.

On the other end of the spectrum, a super form of E-10000R was not in demand. However, one of the gameplay designs tested for Astral Storm that we ended up scraping was popular with a few players. While the design has incredibly unique gameplay, it clashed with Astral Storm due to the Astral Forms buffing their shortcut speeds. As such, we decided to move it another super transformation and create one for E-10000R.

Since both of these were gameplay first, whether to say they're "Super" or "Astral" was not a primary concern. Because the Astral Forms are based on how the Babylonians utilize the Ark of the Cosmos, we've decided to refer to these robots as Astral Forms based how SCR-HD goes berserk from the Ark of the Cosmos in the climax of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. However, much like the Astral Forms for Team Babylon, these designs never had the chance to enter the modeling and texturing phase of production and they'll appear as their regular selves with a golden aura. Their gameplay is mostly finalized, and since this patch is for unreleased content, they're included so that players will have the chance to play these gameplay styles.

Official render of SCR-HD from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.

New Super Forms

Super Ulala and Super Eggman

Similar to why we created Astral E-10000R, the ideas for both Super Ulala and Super Eggman came from previously scrapped gear designs that we had the chance to bring back thanks to our improved understanding of the game and the design space given to us by being able to add Super Forms.

Super Ulala is based on a previous design of Power Gear that we made for "Sonic Riders Tournament Edition Version 1.3", where players had to boost chain constantly in order to keep up. Super Eggman is based on a previous design we tested for Cover-S for DX Version 2.0, where players had to hold to charge their boost. This design was inspired by the gameplay of Hydra in Kirby Air Ride.

However, much like the Astral Babylonians and Astral Robots, these two Super Forms never had the chance to enter the modeling and texturing phase of production. As such, they'll appear as their regular selves with a golden aura. They're included to give players a chance these unique gameplay styles.

Official render of Super Ulala from Space Channel 5: Part 2.

Eggman powered-up by the Master Emerald in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Movie).


With this being a final update to close out the project for the time being, there isn't many changes to the gameplay. These updates are simple balance-related changes in order to polish off what we had in DX 2.0.

System Changes

Catch-Up Mechanics


With the knowledge that led us to change to how Drift bonuses work with Characters and Gears, we decided to give Slipstream's Drift Stat Bonuses another look. Understanding how powerful Drift Cap is as a stat, and with the main beneficiary of Slipstream's Drift bonuses, Slide Booster, being somewhat overpowered, we've decided to give these bonuses a slight nerf.


Tornadoes are the primary interaction mechanic for players in first place. They're easiest and best to use right before ramps, as they restore the Air used to place them, charging jump for the ramp helps invalidate the boost cancel and speed loss from placing the tornado, sending opponents over a ramp into a pit can decide a race, and several ramps have thin terrain that make it harder for opponents to dodge. This creates a lot of centralization for tornadoes to be placed before ramps, rather than in the middle of the track where tornadoes take more skill and are riskier to use. In order to help promote the use of these riskier and more skillful tornadoes, we're reducing the speed loss incurred for placing them by 25%.

As for the impact on the meta and actual gameplay, this is where things get interesting for the change. When it comes to placing tornadoes in the middle of the track, this has been easiest for Standard Class gears, who can easily boost again with their low Boost Costs. This change does not particularly effect them. On the opposite end, Cruise Class gears, being unable to easily boost to recover from the speed loss, benefit greatly from this change. This is especially so for Fastest, who's interaction primarily revolves around using Tornadoes. As Fastest, as most other cruising gears, have been historically underpowered due to limited ability to interact with opponents, this change is very good. As for another gear that rears its head with this change, Slide Booster, being somewhat overpowered, has nerfs you'll see below that put it in check when accounting for these system changes.


Characters, while offering small stat changes, are a big influence on how people play the game. With further testing showing that character classes giving Drift bonuses are dominating competitive play, we've decided to address these with nerfs.

Character Class Changes

Drift Class

The Drift Class is by-far the strongest in the game right now, dominating playrate for both Standard and Drift Class gears on a majority of stages. While it is expected for them to dominate Drift Class gears, Standard Class gears should be more even with character pairings. This dominance has been because their Drift Stat Bonuses, particularly Drift Cap, being way too high. With the development and evolving meta of DX 2.0, we've realized just how powerful Drift Cap is as a stat. As such, it's overdue that we cut these bonuses down to ensure the class doesn't crowd out the other characters.

All-Around Class

Much like with the Drift Stat Bonuses of the Drift Class being too high, the same can be said for the All-Around Class. In fact, throughout the meta of DX 2.0, All-Around has been refered to as an easier and more reliable version of the Drift Class. Much like the Drift Class, we're cutting down these bonuses to ensure both classes aren't crowding out other characters.


E-10000G's specific stats have always been designed around being similar to the stat bonuses given by all the other Character Classes. Since both Drift and All-Around classes have been nerfed, and with E-10000G being balanced around the performance of both of those in testing, it makes sense that we have to nerf his Drift Stat Bonuses as well.

Extreme Gear

The Extreme Gear are the heart and soul of Sonic Riders, both aesthetically and in gameplay. This is being a balance-focused final update, we have mostly small changes included to balance out the meta. However, there are unfinished Super Forms we've included to let players try out their unique gameplay. We hope you look into them below.

Universal Ring Gear Update

We've continued to work on Gears that use Rings as fuel (referred to as "Ring Gears") after the many changes we've made to them in DX 2.0. With DX 2.1, we believe the another step should be taken forward into removing some of the odd ways Ring Gears cannot gain fuel. As such, we've made it possible for every Ring Gear to gain fuel back whenever they land an attack, much like Gears that run on Air. Ring Gears that previously gave 15 Rings when landing an attack now give a more appropriate amount of rings.

On the other end, we've done lots of research into the resource system for Ring Gears while working on a rework for Accelerator. We ended up finding out that most Ring Gears had too high passive drain and way too low drift costs relative to their Boost Cost when compared to gears that use Air as fuel. As such, we're adjusting passive drain and drift costs for Ring Gears across the board. While this evens out to be a nerf across the board, we plan for this to even out with the buff gaining rings whenever landing an attack and have made adjustments to tune each gear specifically.

When it comes to Super Forms, we've decided that while making their designs have some investment in combat stats by having Level 3 attacks helped round them out, it turned out that it held back some of their designs by giving them a far too strong early game. As such, we've knocked it down to Level 2 attacks like other Ring Gears.

Drift Stat Update

Rebalancing Drift Cap Bonuses

As seen with Drift Stat Bonuses on Character Classes, we've taken a hard look at how Drift Stats work on Gears. One element of bad game design we've had since the introduction of the Drift Class was that certain gears cut the bonuses from Characters in half. This adds an extra layer of confusion to understanding these gears, but gets much-much-much worse when you realize that Light Board also has specific stat differences based on Character Class. Once we realized that Drift Characters were too strong on Standard Class gears, we realized there was no longer a need to give them inflated stats to make sure they were viable on more than just Drift Class gears. Since we've nerfed the Drift Class (and the associated All-Around Class), we're removing the concept of halving Drift Stats from Characters from the game. For other gears affected by nerfs to Drift Stats from characters, such as Fastest, they have been adjusted accordingly as seen below.



Accelerator has been a hot-topic in the Riders competitive scene due to its unique design of hoarding rings to charge up for an incredibly powerful boost. However, this design came with many problems over the course of its lifespan. The main one being that its design isn't playable on Fly and Speed types. To resolve that issue, allowed the gear to gain Rings from using shortcuts, believing it would even the differences between types. While this helped us measure when stages shortcuts restored too much Air, this feature came with its own host of problems. With this gear becoming too complicated of a mess, we've decided to rework it. However, if you did enjoy the gameplay of Accelerator before, then you try out Astral Storm, who has inherited its design.

As for this rework to Accelerator, the main goal was to successively create a Standard Class gear that used Rings as fuel. Previous attempts at this have failed due to a flawed understanding of how to balance their fuel and improper resource balance on stages. However, this is no longer the case. The tireless work to balance stages in DX 2.0 has created proper resource balance, and with new research during the development of DX 2.1, we have created a successful Standard Class Ring Gear.

This new research has also led us to re-evalulate the passive drain and drift cost of other gears that use Rings as fuel, which you will see reflected in other patch notes below.

Super Tails

Chaos Emerald

Super Tails has been regarded as the weakest and most boring Super Form introduced in DX 2.0, and for good reason. The type combination of Speed and Fly isn't great, and his gameplay was built around old philosophies for designing gears that use Rings as fuel. While we can't fix the inherit issues of Speed and Fly being a weak Dual-type combination, we have given Super Tails a mini-rework using the newfound understanding from working on Accelerator.

This mini-rework for Super Tails keeps with the idea of making Super Tails basic, not having any special gimmicks like other Super Forms. With Accelerator being embodiment of creating a Standard Class Ring Gear with a boost cost of 5 Rings, Super Tails' higher boost cost of 8 Rings makes it more like an E-Rider for Ring Gears. This design change should make Super Tails smoother to play and give players more options, increasing skill expression and making him less boring. Additionally, with most other Super Forms having their attacks reduced to Level 2 attacks, Super Tails having an AoE attack becomes an advantage for it. To help further emphasize this combat ability, we've given Super Tails increased handling (similar to that of Super Knuckles and Super Amy).

Super Knuckles

Chaos Emerald

Super Knuckles is actually a bit of a surprising gear to give a mini-rework to, having been successful due to his triple-boosting action and high speed. However, Super Knuckles' design has some reminants of old philosophies for designing gears that use Rings as fuel that we wanted to correct. These changes are aimed at making Super Knuckles feel a little less like a high boosting gear, allowing him to have more flexibility and skill expression.

New Additions

Astral Jet

Chaos Emerald

Astral Jet was one of the first Super Forms designed back during the development of DX 2.0. The goal with Super Forms was to use them as vessels for introducing unique gameplay designs that we otherwise couldn't on regular gears. Super Jet's concept was be akin to the gameplay of Crash Team Racing, where players continuously Drift to keep their boost going. While that exact concept might be overpowered in Riders due to the game's emphasis on balancing around boost duration, we've made our own spin on the idea by making Drifting restore Rings for Astral Jet. This means that by continuously Drifting, Astral Jet will refuel himself and be able to afford his next boost. As a result, Astral Jet has the weakest Drift Dash in the game. In addition, like all of the Babylonian Astral Forms, Astral Jet gains bonus shortcut speed (similar to picking Grinder on Speed-types). This bonus speed to type shortcuts is Team Babylon's counterpart to Team Sonic's Super Forms getting access to more type shortcuts. Players will have to balance between continuously Drifting, utilizing a weak but free Drift Dash, managing resources to keep boosting, and grinding on Rails that halt your ability to Drift in order to master Astral Jet.

Astral Storm

Chaos Emerald

While Astral Storm went through many designs during the development of DX 2.0, they were ultimately scrapped. Instead, with DX 2.1 we've decided to make Astral Storm the reincarnation of Accelerator's "Gravity Cannon" design. By being type-locked to Power-type, the design no longer suffers from having to be made playable on Speed and Fly types, meaning there's no need for this gear to gain Rings from shortcuts. However, hitting Power Objects is still important as Astral Storm since he, like all of the Babylonian Astral Forms, gains bonus shortcut speed (similar to picking Destroyer on Power-types). Additionally, like other newer cruising gear designs, Astral Storm has a little bit of reduced deceleration to ensure catchup mechanics and Drift Dashing are useful for him keeping up. Unlike the Accelerator that precedes it, Astral Storm can attack opponents with his boost, which allows opponents to body block this super powerful boost. But that doesn't mean that they should body block it, as doing so means Astral Storm will be able to restore a huge amount of Rings. Lining up their boost precisely and landing attacks towards the end of its duration is a skill players can learn to push Astral Storm to his fullest potential.

Astral Wave

Chaos Emerald

Astral Wave, like Astral Jet, was one of the first Super Forms designed back during the development of DX 2.0. Being made with a bigger emphasis on the space theme for the Astral Forms, and to reflect Wave's character, Astral Wave's gameplay is designed around laying traps on the track by being a Ring Gear version of Trap Gear, meaning she can perform Tornado Boosts. However, Astral Wave and Trap Gear don't play the exact same. While Trap Gear is focused on spamming as many tornadoes as possible, Astral Wave has to manage her resources as Rings due to the high Tornado cost and Rings not replenishing as easily as Air. For those who worry about her Tornadoes based on how they saw her during DX 2.0 development, we've given her the same Tornadoes every Ring Gear has access to instead of the large Level 3 Tornadoes that were originally planned. In addition, Astral Wave can also save up her Rings for a powerful Boost that can turn the tide of a race. Like all of the Babylonian Astral Forms, Astral Wave gains bonus speed while using Fly shortcuts (similar to picking Access on Fly-types). Keeping in line with other newer cruising gear designs and the Trap Gear preceding her, Astral Wave has some reduced deceleration to ensure catchup mechanics and Drift Dashing are useful for her keeping up. Balancing resources between this large Boost, placing Tornadoes, and the necessary Drift Dashes to keep up are what you'll have to do in order to achieve victory with Astral Wave.

Super Ulala

Chaos Emerald

Super Ulala is probably the least expected Super Form to be included, but did you know "Super Ulala" is actually a real thing in Space Channel 5: Part 2 during the game's final boss? Space Channel 5 lore aside, Super Ulala comes to Sonic Riders DX as another vessel for a unique gameplay design. Based on the previous design of Power Gear where players had to constantly Boost Chain that we made for "Sonic Riders Tournament Edition Version 1.3", Super Ulala takes a more modern approach on the idea with our 2.5 years of experience since then. Rather than requiring the player to boost every 0.33 seconds (20 frames), Super Ulala makes the window longer by having a Boost Duration that lasts a full second (60 frames). This makes the design no longer insanely difficult and super spammy to play, but still challenging and rewarding for players who master the Boost Chain rhythm.

Super Eggman

Chaos Emerald

Super Eggman is another Super Form we've made to house a revamped version of an older gear design. One of the ideas we tested for Cover-S during the development of DX 2.0 was a "charge boost" gear, based on the gameplay of Kirby Air Ride. However, this design ran into issues of needing to be viable across every type and the player being unable to see how much they've charged. These issues have been fixed by existing as Super Eggman. Being type locked to Power-type means the design is focused on working for a single type. The Air bar on the right side of the HUD now represents the amount of Charge for the Charge Boost. With these fixes in place, we've managed to create another interesting gameplay design that gives unique strengths and weaknesses for players to take advantage of.

Astral E-10000G

Chaos Emerald

Astral E-10000G, or Astral E10G, was actually a highly requested Super Form to be added to Sonic Riders DX. Aside from the green robot's cult following, Astral E10G would be the first and only gear completely designed around the No-Type gameplay E10G uniquely has. For this design, we wanted to make a gear based around cruising and drift dashing like Fastest, but with a powerful boost that could be used often enough to pressure opponents without letting the gear boost spam. As such, we've modeled Astral E10G after Super Sonic, but with a heavier emphasis on a cruise-drift playstyle. Mastery of Astral E10G will require players to manage their resources and have strong movement, just like playing other gears commonly used with E10G.

Astral E-10000R

Chaos Emerald

Astral E-10000R, or Astral E10R for short, is another one of the more original designed Super Forms for DX 2.1. However, the gameplay design for Astral E10R is actually a revamp of one of the scrapped concepts for Astral Storm. With this design, we've seriously pushed the limits for complexity in gear design while trying to keep true to core gameplay. While playing Astral E10R, you cannot charge your Drift Dash by Drifting. Instead, you have to perform Boost Chains (Boost while Drifting) in order to charge your Drift Dash. 2 Boosts are required for a Regular Drift Dash; 3 Boosts for an Overcharged Drift Dash, and 4 Boosts for a Critically Overcharged Drift Dash. Your Boost Duration is short, allowing you to pull these Boost Chains off in a quick succession and charge your Drift faster than other gears would. Once you release your Drift to perform a Drift Dash, you'll perform an automatic boost along with it, similar to how Cover-F works. This automatic boost has enhanced Boost Speed and Boost Duration, giving players a breather before going back to spamming 4 Boost Chains to charge the next Drift Dash Boost. This enhanced boost after releasing a Drift Dash is a new feature added to the design during DX 2.1's development, fixing the original design's issue of being too difficult and playing too spammy. Much like how Astral Wave was designed around the key phase "Black Hole" and the current Astral Storm was designed around the key phrase "Supernova", this design was originally built around the phase "Acceleration Blast", one of the attacks from the sci-fi 2D action platformer franchise, "Blaster Master Zero". This is our most unique Gear design yet, and we hope you enjoy it.

Balance Updates

Auto Slider

With plenty of changes to Drift Dash Speed in DX 2.0, we've kept a close eye on Auto Slider. It still sees less play than Default Gear (our center for Gear Balance) due to its higher execution requirements. As such, we're giving a small buff to its Drift Cap to give it more pay off for the extra risk and difficulty from its higher execution requirements. Additionally, with the change to Drift Stats on Characters, it no longer cuts those stats in half.


Fastest has a pretty good balance between Drift and Top Speed Character Classes in DX 2.0 where Drift is harder in exchange for being faster, but with the nerfs to Drift Stats on characters, this balance becomes tilted in favor of the Top Speed class. Overall, Fastest is still regarded as underpowered due to its lack of catchup ability and overall speed. To solve both of these issues, we've decided to make Fastest decelerate even slower from high speed. The deceleration stat mostly impacts how much Fastest benefits from catchup mechanics and Drift Dashes, making this buff target those deficiencies and provide a needed speed buff. Additionally, the global reduction to speed loss from placing Tornadoes should also help Fastest with its combat issues.


The rework to Access in DX 2.0 was successful in giving the gear a unique identity apart from just granting Fly-type. However the gear has struggled a bit due to its high boost cost, often making the pick too risky and inflexible in the face of interaction from opponents. As such, we've reduced the boost cost a fair amount.

Trap Gear

  Trap Gear's design is somewhat problematic due to its ability to spam tornadoes, often creating non-games. While we had plans to rework the gear, we'd decided to make give it adjustments instead as we didn't have the time to rework it. These adjustments are aimed at making the gear a little faster as its underpowered, as well as greatly increase its tornado cost to reduce the amount of tornadoes it can spam.

Light Board

With the change to Drift Stats on Characters, it no longer cuts those stats in half.

Slide Booster

Light Board is one of the most complex and skill expressive gears in Sonic Riders, with its design going as far back as the Vanilla game. In DX 2.0, the gear turned out to be overpowered due to its ability to place tornadoes without much downside. As such, we're making nerfs towards its Air Costs. This will make Slide Booster have less resources and thus place less tornadoes. And since we've made the global change of reducing the speed loss from placing Tornadoes lower, something that would benefit Slide Booster, we've gone harder on these Air Cost nerfs. Additionally, with the change to Drift Stats on Characters, it no longer cuts those stats in half.

Super Sonic

Chaos Emerald

With the universal change to make every gear that uses Rings as fuel gain Rings whenever landing an attack, Super Super is  one of the biggest beneficiaries of that change. While we planned to have this balanced out by the updates to passive drain and drift costs for gears that use Rings as fuel, we believe Super Sonic will need a bit of an extra nerf. As such, we've reduced the acceleration of Super Sonic, giving him less recovery and making him more vulnerable while at low speed.

Hyper Sonic

Super Emerald

Much like Super Sonic in the patch notes above, Hyper Sonic is one of the biggest beneficiaries of making every gear that uses Rings as fuel gain Rings whenever landing an attack. However, Hyper Sonic is a little underpowered and his Drift Costs are actually little higher than they should be. As such, we're adjusting the passive drain and drift cost as slight buffs while keeping the Rings gained from attacking in mind. And much like Super Sonic, we're also reducing his acceleration to give him less recovery and make him more vulnerable while at low speed. We've also buffed his boost at Level 1 to give his Level 1 more recovery, as Hyper Sonic typically loses if he drops down to Level 1 during a race.

Super Amy

Chaos Emerald

Surprising most people, Super Amy turned out be grossly overpowered in DX 2.0. While the universal adjustments to passive drain and drift cost actually turn out to be slight buffs for Super Amy, we've given her huge nerfs to her speed by reducing her Drift Cap and Drift Dash Speed and huge nerfs to her utility by cutting her off-road (which affects her speed after someone else attacks her), her weight bonus (affects bonus speed going downhill), reducing the Rings she gains when landing an attack, and the universal change to Super Form attacks (as she could pressure her attack the best out of the Super Forms).

Super Shadow

Chaos Emerald

Super Shadow has actually ended up fairly balanced compared to other super forms. While he's an easy pick on SEGA Illusion due to an abundance of rings, he's easily outpaced at a high level by most other picks as collecting and saving those Rings puts him behind. While Super Shadow's design does embody older design principles for gears that use Rings as fuel, his ability to use all type shortcuts gives him enough flexibility to not have the same issues Super Tails and Super Knuckles had. Since we're just keeping him simple place, his changes are simply the adjustments being made across the board to drift costs in exchange for gaining Rings when landing an attack. However, as an added bonus since he's fairly balanced, he'll be able to use his Level 3 Attack while in Chaos Mode and using his Chaos Control Boost. This should reduce the impact of having his attack nerfed to Level 2 attacks.

Super Neo Metal Sonic

Chaos Emerald

Neo Metal Sonic is fairly balanced in DX 2.0, but doesn't see much play. With these changes across the board to passive drain, drift cost, and the ability to gain Rings when landing an attack, we're taking this as a chance to give slight buffs to the Super state of Neo Metal Sonic. This will reward players more for landing attacks against opponents while transformed, opening up more risky options to use this transformation offensively.


With Faster being a bit underpowered in DX 2.0, we've decided to give buff it a little. Since the gear hardly sees play on characters with Drift Stat bonuses, as well as players generally avoiding Drifting while playing the gear, these buffs are aimed at removing the higher Drift Cost Faster has compared to other gears.

Opa Opa

Changes to Opa Opa in DX 2.0 were mostly aimed to make the gear less powerful on Egg Factory and more flexible for other stages. While this was succesful, the gear has ended being too weak overall and not as flexible as we aimed for. As such, we're cutting back on the Boost Chain Modifier reduction to make it faster and buffing its Acceleration and Drift Cost to give it more flexibility.

The Crazy

The Crazy is in a mostly balanced state in DX 2.0, which is surprising given its history of being overpowered in previous patches, but it's still a little too good. As such, the only changes we have for the gear come in the form of universal changes regarding Drift Cost and Rings gained when landing an attack. These have ended up being slight nerfs that are acceptable for the gear.


With Cover-S seeing not much play, and what little play it does see is skewed towards stages with long stretches where it doesn't have to reset its Boost, we've decided to give the gear a reduction in its initial boost cost. The aim is that this will help Cover-S be strong on stages where it has to reset its boost more often and on stages it has opportunities to boost chain on, which both which are the same set of stages.


If you've read through these whole patches, you've heard the same story at least 5 other times. Cover-P is getting some adjustments to its passive drain, drift cost, and Rings gained when landing an attack due to new research while creating the rework for Accelerator. For Cover-P, these end up being an overall buff. This is fine, as the gear is slightly underpowered in DX 2.0.

Super Hang-On

With the change to Drift Stats on Characters and Super Hang-On's performance never being based on any usage with neither the Drift or All-Around Character Classes, it makes sense that we can slightly reduce the E10G SHO specific nerf as E-10000G has lost Drift Stats of his own.


With the change to Drift Stats on Characters, it no longer cuts those stats in half.

Final Thoughts

As we said in our farewell announcement, working on Sonic Riders DX has been one of the greatest pleasures we've had. But like all great journeys, this one too must come to an end. As the lead developer, I regret not being able to continue working on Sonic Riders DX and bringing out the full potential of this game. Completing the character roster, adding in either Emerl or Gemerl as a 32nd character, and eventually custom stages with what would be Version 3.0 are achievements we all would have liked to have made. But there's more work that I wish we could have done beyond the cool and flashy things. I wanted to create more unique gameplay designs with more Super Forms, like a Super Silver, Burning Blaze, and Chaos-2. As the one of person who started the modding scene for this game to specifically create a well-balanced, well-designed competitive game, I want to discover and learn more about this game's systems and stages to make the game even better to play. Alas, the door on Sonic Riders DX is being closed for now. Should we decide to continue our work in the future, we'll pick up right where we left off with New Characters, improving the game's design and balance, and the eventual achievement of custom stages. Thank you everyone who's helped us, inspired us, and played our great creation. We hope to see all of you in the future with our other projects.

Recreation of Dillo64's Vector Art by Ikke. Thank you Dillo64 for letting our team recreate your iconic art from 2006.

Work-In-Progress port of Gigan Device to Sonic Riders DX from December 2021.

Character Poll Results as of August 20th, 2022.

Blaze Model by Arg and firegodjr.

Vector Model by Arg.

Unfinished Tikal Model by Arg.

Vector in-game.