Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Patch Notes
Lead RG Developer
Lead RG Programmer
RG Balance Team
The wait for Regravitified version 1.0 is finally over! This version serves as a complete overhaul from Zero Gravity.
Due to the overhauling of the game being so expansive, you can also consider this a how to play section.
There is the inherent problem in that Sonic Riders Zero Gravity controlled differently depending on whether or not you were using a Wii Mote or a GameCube Controller. The Wii Mote has significantly better control, especially while using Gravity, enabling the player to do skips and movements that are simply impossible on controller. As such we have decided to focus on controller (also due to button limitations) as a standard for players, so everyone is on a level playing field. We have increasing your Handling in these instances to try and keep the game controllable to a precise level. (Note: This new handling is the same as it was in the PS2 version of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity]
Base Gameplay Changes
Base Stats
The original Sonic Riders Zero Gravity is a rather slow paced game. We've increased the speed of almost everything in order to fix that. These will vary based on Gear and character you pick (mostly Gear), but are roughly the baseline of what you can expect. It's highly recommended you compare the actual values each Gear has in their dedicated section. Some stats such as acceleration and handling are hard to quantify though
Top Speed:
162-> 193Starting Accel increased by 104% to 1.7
Starting Accel used until
100-> 130Mid Accel increased by 47% to 0.28
Mid Accel used until
155-> 185Final Accel increased by 309% to 0.2
Handling increased by 28.5%
Off-road speed
85-> 110
Gravity Control
Gravity Control, GC for short, is the game's primary movement option for taking corners, skips and latching to walls, as well as being used in innovative ways to interact at high level. In addition, Gravity Control now has to compete with the existence of Drifting. As such, we've buffed Gravity Control by increasing stats and some QOL fixes. As as added layer of comfort, the Drift button will act as a Gravity Control button while you are in the air.
Base Gravity Control Boost Speed:
162-> 195Gravity Control Handling now uses your Handling stat as a Multiplier (always significantly higher than Vanilla)
Added GC Charge Time as a stat
Gravity Control Charge time : 1second
Gravity Control Charge time from ramp:
1.5seconds-> 1secondAdded the ability to latch onto Grind Rails from Gravity Control, resetting your ability to Gravity Control
Gravity Dive
Gravity Dive, GD for short, is the primary movement option for long, straight segments, often dotted with Gravity Objects to hit, that replenish GP. With overall changes to the game's speed we naturally needed to speed up diving as well. In order to free up another button for other means, we have had to make the game differentiate between trigger buttons, meaning unlike any other version of Riders, you will need to keep track of which is which.
Base Gravity Dive Speed
250-> 280Gravity Dive Speed is now displayed during Gravity Dive instead of fluctuating.
Gravity Dive Handling has been increased by 20%.
MeteorBurst Objects now give you +20 Speed instead of setting your Speed to 300.
Fixed a bug in Vanilla where having lower than base Gravity Dive Speed would prevent you from accelerating to your maximum Gravity Dive Speed.
In vanilla, Drifting was an extremely limiting alternative to Gravity Control. It was slow to use and reduced the effectiveness of Gravity Control by removing the 'Boost', which also removed the ability to latch onto walls and perform certain skips. Due to all of this, all gears with Drift were deemed unplayable if you wished to get a good time, literally and metaphorically. However, while badly implemented, the idea of going around corners with little to no GP and being able to make micro turning adjustments was a good idea. As a result, we have given every Gear the ability to Drift and moved it to a dedicated button rather than the requirement of jumping to begin a drift. This greatly improves the way Drift is executed to make it faster, more responsive as well as more versatile. This is not meant to replicate the Drift of the first game, as that wouldn't be much use, nor does it replace Gravity Control, they can both be used for many different things, they simply overlap a bit in that they both get around 90 degree corners.
Drifting Enabled on every Gear, as opposed to being exclusive to Wheels and SCR-GP
Removed Gravity Control nerfs associated with Drift
Drift Charge requirement reduced to
18%-> 8%Failing to charge your Drift all the way before you release no longer sets your speed to 120 and stalls you, you simply do not get the Dash from it
The Drift Dash gained from a full Drift Charge no longer freezes you in place momentarily
Enabled Drifting while Boosting
In Vanilla, jumping was turned into a more standardised action, as opposed to the first Riders game. You would simply press the button to Jump. As simple as this is, it proved to have little room for error at high level play with Netplay Buffer in many situations, as well as being less skilful wherever applicable. To rectify this, the Jump was redone to act like the first game, whereby you hold it in order to charge, and release to actually jump. You will gradually lose speed up to a point. Note that as with the first game, charging Jump does not affect the height at which you jump.
Jumping now occurs when you release Button, rather than when the it is pressed.
While holding the Jump Button, you will see a particle effect to indicate you are Charging Jump.
When your Jump is fully Charged, a different particle effect is displayed around the player instead.
You decelerate while Charging Jump. This deceleration is reduced based on your Accel stat.
Trick System
The Trick System originally required you to be at a certain percent of your Top Speed, hold a direction that is different from the previous 3 directions you held, as well as be near the edge of the Ramp. This system massively overvalued Accel as a stat, making a vast majority of gears unable to X Rank certain ramps, thus creating an unfair recourse imbalance. This complicated Trick System was never fully understood due to the lack of explanation either, as well as being deemed inconsistent in Netplay, cumbersome to have players remember their previously held directions, and generally frustrating according to the playerbase. As a result, it was decided to scrap it entirely, and focus on a more Riders style system, albeit without the controllable rotations in the air - where the only things to worry about are Jump Charge and where you are on the ramp, although this can occasionally result in some bumping, due to all the new trajectories available.
The Ramp's base Trick Ranks from timing your jump have been reduced to C, B, A, AA from C, B, A, S.
The direction requirement and the speed requirement for Trick Ranks have been removed.
The amount you have Charged your Jump now increases your Trick Rank instead.
Catch-up Mechanics
These are essential in Riders, allowing for skilful play and counter play, rather than relying on random items to make you OP, you must use tools at your disposal in order to make up for your mistake that put you behind. This can also be an advantage for pressing the attack, so watch out. Sadly, Regravitified does not yet have enough of this, but we are very aware of this and working towards fixing it, so races may feel one sided in the meantime. In Vanilla, there was no real universal Catch-up, owing to the infamous 'Time Trail with Friends' nickname. Our goal is to expand anything we can find to create that ability to bring the game back after mistakes... up to a point. At some point you have to lose from your mistakes, otherwise there's no incentive to do well until the end. Gravity Rings are left behind Diving players, as a means to make up for the dreaded Gravity Object de-activation, Slip Stream is a speed an acceleration boost from trailing behind someone, and Turbulence in this game is a stage object that is triggered once any player goes past it to create extra, faster routes around some turns.
Gravity Rings now give 30GP (but no Rings)
Gravity Ring speed now give 20 speed, rather than set your speed to 300, the same as a MetorBurst
Slip Stream is now available to every Gear, and the acceleration has been dramatically increased.
Turbulence speed
180->250Turbulence tricks will always result in a SS rank, regardless of how they come about
New Gameplay Additions
Character Types and Classes
Characters have been overhauled in c. There were two aims behind our changes. The first was to make it so no type was inherently better to pick than another, especially as many stages forgo type shortcuts. To solve this, we've made every type use the same stats and same gravity costs as Speed Type. The second aim was to give characters a Class that would give them a slight, but meaningful edge. As such, characters give stats equal to the lowest tier Gear Change for that stat.
Character Dittos enabled (a tad unstable in the menu, won't cause crashes, just is a bit odd)
Fly and Power Type now use the same base stats as Speed Type.
Fly Type no longer reduces Gravity Dive and Gravity Control costs by -10%.
Power Type no longer increases Gravity Dive and Gravity Control costs by +10%.
Every Character now has a Class, along with their type, giving them a buff in a certain area along with their type to distinguish themselves.
Boosting is one of the game's primary forms of player interaction and was the only way to take Spring and Auto Section Shortcuts outside running, to which they control the same too. Originally only available by picking up the Attack Item, Regravitified changes this by adding boost as a mainstay mechanic like the original Riders game, activated by pressing the button. Boost functions as both a Speed increase for a Cost and a method to be able to attack the opponent. This addition enables more natural and skill based player interaction due to
Players can now enter Boost state at any time
Added the Boost Speed stat
Added the Boost Cost stat
Base Boost Cost set to 50 GP/ Rings
Base Boost Speed:
250 speed-> 230 speedBase Boost Duration:
10 seconds-> 3.5 secondsAttack Hitstun:
5 seconds-> 1 secondGreatly decreased the Speed Loss from turning in Boost State
Speed and Fly types can no longer break Power Objects while boosting
Power type now gains GP from objects broken while Boosting
Disabled players from attacking other players while they are in Trick State
Boosting no longer grants immunity to attacks
Added an Attack Priority System for attacking other players who are currently Boosting, making the player behind have attack priority
GP Gears gain 30 GP for attacking another player. Ring Gears gain 15 Rings
Super Sonic no longer loses collision with other players for the rest of the race after attacking
Gravity Void
Gravity Void, GV for short, is the other main form of player interaction and is a brand new mechanic added to Regravitified. Gravity Void functions similarly to tornados from Sonic Riders. Gravity Void can be used both offensively as a trap to try to stun the opponent, as well as defensively to prevent the opponent from attacking them at the last moment. They cost GP and slow you slightly though, so no one can abuse or spam them.
Base Gravity Void Cost set to 25 GP/ 10 Rings
Gravity Voids will naturally despawn after 4 Seconds
Each player may place up to 2 Gravity Voids simultaneously. Placing a 3rd Gravity Void will despawn the first one placed by that player
Placing a Gravity Void will decrease your current Speed by 40
A sound queue similar to releasing Gravity Control plays when a Gravity Void is placed
Players are immune to their own Gravity Void.
Players are immune to Gravity Voids during Gravity Control, Gravity Dive, and Trick state.
When hit by a Gravity Void, that Gravity Void despawns, and the player acts as if they were hit by a robot, car, or boat.
I-Frames generated by the game will not prevent you from being hit by a Gravity Void
Gravity Burst
Gravity Burst, GB for short, was originally a tech discovered in the Regravitified v0.5 Beta, Gravity Burst now functions as a unique mechanic. By drifting off any ledge and then briefly tapping Gravity Control, you gain a burst of speed. Now while this is technically proved to exist in Vanilla to an extent since, the aforementioned Drift issues, among other things, make it not relevant nor practical. Now it can be used to clear gaps faster than taking a Trick would allow, at the cost of not getting GP from the Trick, or for simply utilising ledges where you would otherwise fall and other stage layout elements to go faster. The strength of the speed multiplier of Gravity Burst is based on your Gravity Control Boost Speed.
A tech involving Drifting off a ledge to gain speed, and exponentially increasing it by tapping Gravity Control
Requires skill and timing to pull off, as well as being able to judge when and where to try them based off your potential speeds and resources
Not required for general play, but merely a tool to go faster with if you wish to delve into the tech of the game, along with Gravity Rocket
Stage Changes
All stages will always load in objects (item boxes, rings, power objects, etc) from the single player version of the stage.
MeteorTech Sparkworks
Sliding doors no longer have collision
Astral Babylon
Sliding doors sped up to always open in time
Type Shortcuts
Rails +10% speed
Fly Hoops +10% speed, Control Lock significantly reduce, cannot enter fly state from grind state
Power Objects +15% GP, cannot crush you if you are power type, can be destroyed in any state, still gains GP from objects while Boosting
Link Timer Increased to 2 seconds
Dash Panels
Now additive, so that you can only gain speed
Speed gained is relative to your Acceleration stat, the higher the stat, the more bonus speed you gain
Control Lock significantly reduced
1st Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
2nd Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
3rd Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
4th Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
5/6th Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
7/8th Place RNG:
Speed Up: 5%
30GP: 5%
10 Rings: 48%
20 Rings: 30%
Vision Trap: 2%
Magnet: 5%
Quality of Life Changes
Everything unlocked
Motion Blur Removed
Race timer is centred in multiplayer.
Control Lock from Bonking on a wall removed.
Game boots straight to the main menu. (no need to make a save file, trying to save the game will crash it anyways)
Ring Gears will now display the amount of Rings you hold in your Gravity Bar in the bottom left for convince, as well as in the normal ring count.
Pausing now required holding the Start button, to remove the possibility of accidental interruptions
Online Updates
RG boasts having the first in game updater for modded console games. with the ability to, well, update itself in game. Sadly this functionality does not entirely work on hardware as of writing, so those who prefer authentic experiences will need to add the additional updates on separately, please enquire with a member of the Dev team in the Discord on how to do that and the files you need, as they aren't provided in the downloads page so as to not confuse average users any more than necessary. In an Emulator though, this works flawlessly, and you can simply 1 click the repurposed online button into a search for updates button, allowing you to install any mini updates the Devs have pushed since the last main one, without requiring you to patch your legally acquired game every time we fix or tweak or add stuff to the mod. There is even a version number at the top left of your main menu to keep track of where you are.
Corrected Image2 errors to enable Billy Hatcher and Amigo to use Wheel Custom